The Path of Drawing: The Tools of the Lightworker

April 25, 2023
9:00 am to 12:00 pm

The Path of Drawing by Patricia Watwood

In this workshop, Patricia Watwood will present her book, The Path of Drawing, and guide participants in a hands-on project that will serve us in strengthening our habits of creative practice, and develop a healthy relationship with the interior voices we encounter while we make art.  When we learn to bring mindfulness to the inner dialogue, we can develop skills that nurture our hearts and minds to hear our individual voice. 

Registration is $40.
Payment can be sent via check to our studio at:

4814 Washington Blvd, Suite 322, St. Louis, MO. 63108
or you can use Zelle with our email:

Workshops take place in the GACA’s studio, located in the Pierce Arrow Building,
4814 Washington Blvd, Suite 322, St. Louis, MO. 63108

Patricia Watwood at GACA

REGISTRATION for a workshop
For more information on Patricia Watwood, please visit her website at:

Time flow:

1st hour:  Presentation on “The Path of Drawing”
concepts in the book 
beginning rituals
Q &A

2nd hour: Drawing and creative compost project-  Using mixed media paper, pencils, markers and watercolor, participants will create a work that creates a visualization of our creative intentions. We will discuss intuition, imagination and individuality through sketchbook practices.


3rd hour: 15 min. break
45 minute discussion and reflection— what was going on in our minds while we were working? 

 Bring your sketchbook and pens and pencils. All additional materials will be provided.